All Presentations


  • June 25-28. Utilizing Basic Income to Create A Sustainable, Poverty-Free Tomorrow. Villars Symposium 2024. Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland.

  • June 7-8. Deep sea protection across the Pacific: the need for precaution. San JosĂ©, Costa Rica

  • May 21-24. Blue Global Canada Summit 2024. St. Andrews-On-The-Sea, NB. Conference Website

  • May 10. Paul Storer Memorial Lecture Presents: Managing Shared Fish Stocks Between Canada and the U.S. Under Climate Change. WWU & Online. Presentation Video.

  • April 13-15. The Ocean Retreat: “Bringing it all Together for the Ocean”. Hydra, Greece.

  • March 18. Land and Sea: Mathematics of the Climate Crisis. Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.

  • March 12. The future of fish and fisheries in a changing climate: Economic implications. Climate Adaption Workshop.

  • Jan 31. Net Cost of Deep Sea Mining. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Workshop on Deep Sea Mining, New York.

  • Jan 24. "Warming Seas, Cooling Economy: How the Climate Crisis Threatens Ocean Industries". Presentation to United States Senate Committee, Washington D.C.


  • Oct 27. Can We Still Save The Oceans? Presentation at the Salt Spring Forum, Salt Spring Island.

  • Sep 1. University of Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain. Keynote “The need for more intergenerational justice in bioeconomics” at XXIV Annual BioEcon Conference.

  • Jun 8. Cork, Ireland. Keynote, “The Fair Seas Ireland World Oceans Day Conference”.

  • Brussels, Belgium, Panellist, European Parliament event.

  • May 5. Vancouver, Canada. 2022-23 PWIAS Catalyst Program. Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies and the UBC Emeritus College.

  • March 20. Monaco. “Sustainable fisheries: reconciling conservation and exploitation in the next decade and beyond”, Monaco Blue Initiative.


  • October 26. An Abundant Ocean is our Legacy: What are the growth opportunities for food security, income and livelihoods in coastal communities? Oceana Canada’s Science Symposium. Toronto, ON.

  • October 25. Tackling Complex National and Global Issues through Collaboration: OceanCanada Case Study. Canarie22, Ottawa, ON.

  • August 26. Una economĂ­a para el futuro de los ocĂ©anos. Puerto de Ideas Festival, ConcepciĂłn, Chile.

  • August 9. Canada’s oceans and coasts - Pathways to sustainability in a sea of change. PROBUS Vancouver.

  • August 3. The Recent WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies - What does this mean for low and middle-income countries? Worldfish HQ, Penang, Malaysia.

  • July 18-23. Panel 2 - Sustaining Community Conservation: The Need for New Funding Models and Practices. IUCN Africa Protected Areas Congress (APAC), Kigalia, Rwanda.

  • July 21-22. IIFET2022 closing conference, Vigo, Spain.

  • June 28. Online, Lisbon, PT. Our Ocean Future: Empowering the Next Generation of Ocean Leaders. UN Ocean Conference 2022.

  • June 26. Online, Lisbon, PT. Science Symposium: Fisheries Management is Climate Action - Science, Cocktails, Dive, Breakfast.. UN Ocean Conference.

  • June 08. "Infinity fish for a sustainable blue economy" Health of the seas and oceans and their role in the present and future of humanity conference. The Vatican.

  • May 25. Online, Toronto, ON. In Conversation With: Rashid Sumaila. How much is that fish in the ocean? Oceans economics and the quest to attain infinity fish. Part of “In Conversation With” Series, SSHRC.

  • Vancouver, BC. May 3. Research horizons: what now, what next? An evening with UBC’s newest University Killam Professors

  • May 19. Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS. “Canada’s Oceans and Coasts: Pathways to Susainability in a Sea of Change” Keynote at The 16th annual Elisabeth Mann Borgese Ocean Lecture.

  • Online - Brest, France, & Online, February 9-11, 2022. The One Planet Summit for the Ocean. One Ocean Summit.


  • Online, October 19, 2021: The Global Problem of IUU Fishing and the Role of the UN Agencies in the Fight Against It; CAPFISH Workshop 1, World Maritime University.

  • Online, October 19, 2021: URI Honors Colloquium: Sustaining Our Shores

  • Online, July 5, 2021: Ending overfishing is climate action; Ocean-Climate Science Briefing for Members of the European Parliament (MEPs); Our Fish, Virtual

  • Cape Coast, Ghana, June 23, 2021: Our Coasts, Our Oceans, Our Lives; Africa Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience, University of Cape Coast

  • Online, June 8, 2021: The Ocean Is Our Life; Saving our Planet: Faith in Action Event (Virtual)

  • Online, May 13, 2021: Subsidies, overfishing & the SDGs - Why ending fisheries subsidies matters for India; Virtual Media workshop: The impacts of overfishing around the coasts of India

  • Online, April 22, 2021: Overfishing, Harmful Subsidies, and How to Address Both; Meeting Hosted by the Pew Charitable Trusts for the AWFISHNET-EA Membership.

  • Virtual – March 22-25; Our Fish Symposium – Delivering on Climate & Biodiversity Targets through better Fisheries Management

  • Virtual - Feb 10, 2021: SAB 21: Ocean Finance


  • Online, December 9, 2020: Stopping overfishing is climate action: French Marine Ministry MeetingVirtual - Sep 14, 2020; Interdisciplinary ocean & fisheries economics: Benefits of the Paris Agreement; Columbia University Seminar

  • Virtual - September 3, 2020; The USITC hearing on IUU fishing study

  • Virtual - August 12, 2020; Economics of 30X30 protection; 30X30 Protection Virtual Workshop

  • Virtual - August 5, 2020; Interdisciplinary collaborative ocean economics research with examples from the ‘ocean trenches’; Virtual Seminar at OceanWise

  • Virtual - June 22, 2020; Don’t leave Indonesia’s fisheries behind the Omnibus; Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative Meeting, Jakarta, Indonesia

  • Virtual - March 30; Menuju Sustainable Ocean Economy Di Indonesia (Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative)

  • New York, NY. February 7, 2020: The state of the world’s oceans and the landscape of global fisheries subsidies: achieving SDG Target 14.6. Life Below Water: Achieving SDG Target 14.6 by June, Pew Charitable Trusts.

  • San JosĂ©, Costa Rica. January 23, 2020: The state of the world’s oceans and the landscape of global fisheries subsidies. Ministry of Foreign Trade.

  • Vancouver, BC. January 9, 2020: The global struggle to discipline overfishing subsidies. IRES Seminar Series, UBC.


  • Hilo, Hawaii. December 14, 2019: Relative roles of SSF and LSF in food security; gender equity. Pew Fellows Meeting.

  • Hilo, Hawaii. December 12, 2019: Overview of the IUCN MPA standards of success. Pew Fellows Meeting.

  • Hilo, Hawaii. December 12, 2019: An overview of OceanAsia: the OceanAsia Team (Cashion, Alava, Teh, Cheung, Sumaila). Pew Fellows Meeting.

  • Hilo, Hawaii. December 10, 2019: Ideas on the valuation of the benefits of MPAs. Pew Fellows Meeting.

  • Madrid, Spain. December 6, 2019: How can ending overfishing help mitigate climate change? Our Fish Event, COP25; Madrid, Spain.

  • Rome, Italy, November 20, 2019: The social dimension of the contribution of fisheries and aquaculture to the economy. Panel chair, Strengthening the Science-Policy Nexus, FAO International Symposium on Fisheries Sustainability.

  • Kochi, Kerala, India. November 18, 2019: State of the world’s oceans, the landscape of fisheries subsidies, and the case of India. Ending Harmful Fisheries Subsidies in India: why it matters. Media Workshop.

  • Mnarani, Kenya. November 12, 2019; Fishing subsidies. Billfish Interaction, Livelihoods, and Linkages for Fisheries, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute and Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association.

  • Oslo, Norway. October 23, 2019; with Thomson, Peter; Kagia, Ruth; Prescott, Jennifer; Tipping, Alice. Ending harmful fisheries subsidies by 2020: exploring the impacts of fisheries subsidies and potential reform. Our Ocean 2019.

  • Geneva, Switzerland. October 8, 2019; with Thomson, Peter; DeBoer, Stephen; Tipping, Alice. 2020 vision: how a successful conclusion of fisheries subsidies negotiations can demonstrate that the WTO is adapting to a changing world. Panel at the WTO Public Forum 2019, Trading Forward: Adapting to a Changing World.

  • Mexico City, Mexico. October 3, 2019; Mejores subsidies para combater la pesca illegal y cumplir con los Objectivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Keynote at Navegando entre datos: innovaciĂłn para salvar los ocĂ©anos. Oceana Mexico.

  • Puerto Varas, Chile. August 27, 2019; with Jara, HEA. Subsidies, sustainability and multilateralism: working towards an ambitious agreement on fisheries subsidies at the WTO. Pew Charitable Trusts.

  • Accra, Ghana, August 18-21, 2019; Global trends in fisheries in the context of the blue economy: implications for Ghana. Keynote at Conference on Fisheries and Coastal Environment 2019.

  • Mauritius, July 1-6, 2019; Why Africa should be at the forefront of the fight to eliminate harmful subsidies at the WTO. WIOMSA 11th Scientific Symposium.

  • Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 25-28, 2019: with Isaacs, Moenieba; Kurien, John; Willman, Rolf. Fisheries world-wide.

  • Barcelona, Spain, June 20, 2019; Ecosystem services at the core of a sustainable blue economy. Blue Economy in a Healthy Ocean, Government of Catalonia.

  • ‌Oslo, Friday June 14 (3 – 4pm): Why Norway should be at the forefront of the push for a WTO agreement on harmful subsidies - Meeting with Norwegian Government (Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

  • ‌Oslo, Friday June 14 (12:30 – 2pm): Why Chile’s laudable ocean conservation effort should take on subsidies disciplines - Lunch meeting with Chilean Ambassador to Norway and other ambassadors.

  • ‌Berlin, Thursday June 13, 2019: Why Germany should push for a WTO agreement on harmful subsidies - German Gov't Meetings with WWF Germany.

  • ‌Brussels, Wednesday June 12, 2019 (3 – 5 pm): Why ACP countries should push for a WTO agreement on harmful subsidies - ACP Secretariat Presentation.

  • ‌Brussels, Wednesday June 12, 2019 (10 – 12 noon): Informal lunch discussion with Karlijn from Adessium (funder of the European Listening Tour).

  • Brussels, Belgium, June 12, 2019 (3-5 pm); Why Africa, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) countries should push for a WTO agreement on harmful subsidies. ACP Secretariat.

  • Brussels, Belgium, June 12, 2019 (10 am-12 pm); Why Europe should push for a WTO agreement on harmful subsidies. Public Briefing.

  • ‌Geneva, Tuesday June 11, 2019 (6 – 8 pm): Wrap-up comment @ Reception in WTO atrium. Audience: WTO trade negotiators, WTO Secretariat staff.

  • ‌Geneva, Tuesday June 11, 2019 (5 – 6 pm): Why WTO Negotiators should push for a WTO agreement on harmful subsidies – Australia, Latin 6, New Zealand and Brazil Delegates.

  • ‌Geneva, Tuesday June 11, 2019 (4 – 5 pm): Why India should push for a WTO agreement on harmful subsidies. India Delegates.

  • ‌Geneva, Switzerland, June 11, 2019 (3 – 4 pm). Why the Africa, Caribbean, Pacific Group (ACP) should push for a WTO agreement on harmful subsidies. ACP Geneva Delegates.

  • ‌Geneva, Switzerland, June 11, 2019 (1 – 3 pm). Why WTO negotiators should push for a WTO agreement on harmful subsidies. 100 WTO Trade Negotiators/Delegates, some non-profit representatives.

  • ‌Geneva, Switzerland, June 11, 2019 (11:30 am – 12:45 pm). Why LDCs should push for a WTO agreement on harmful subsidies. WTO Trade Negotators, the LDC Group.

  • ‌Geneva, Switzerland, June 11, 2019 (10:30 – 11:30 am). Why WTO negotiators should push for a WTO agreement on harmful subsidies.

  • ‌Geneva, Switzerland, June 11, 2019 (8 – 10:00 am). Why ambassadors should push for a WTO agreement on harmful subsidies. Ambassadors’ Breakfast.

  • ‌London, UK, June 10, 2019: Why the UK should push for a WTO agreement on harmful subsidies. UKGOV and Commonwealth Secretariat.

  • ‌RoatĂĄn, Honduras, June 6-7, 2019: with Herrera, Claudia; Vanderbeck, Isabelle. Innovative solutions for integrated management and sustainable use of marine resources. Green Solutions for a Blue Planet, Blue Economy Summit.‌

  • London, UK, June 5, 2019: A question of economics. A Global Agreement for the High Seas, Blue Marine Foundation. Also, High seas management: a regional, global or hybrid approach? Breakout group, A Global Agreement for the High Seas, Blue Marine Foundation.

  • Mauritius, May 27, 2019: What would you tell WHITE HOUSE on Oceans; how would you prepare for it? UNEP Nairobi Convention, WIO Regional Science to Policy Workshop.‌

  • Halifax, NS. May 24, 2019: with Long, Rachel; Charles, Anthony; Maharaj, Vishwanie. Fisheries economics in a world of interdisciplinarians. Frontiers and Futures for Fish, NAAFE Forum 2019.

  • Halifax, NS. May 23, 2019: with Cashion, Tim; Noack, Frederik. Seafood watch recommendations effect on US ex-vessel prices. Frontiers and Futures for Fish, NAAFE Forum 2019.

  • Halifax, NS. May 23, 2019: with Pierruci, Andrea; Oyinlola, Muhammed. Aquaculture over-optimism. Frontiers and Futures for Fish, NAAFE Forum 2019.

  • Montreal, QC. May 22, 2019: Interdisciplinary ocean and fisheries economics with examples from the trenches. 2019 World Conference on Natural Resource Modelling, GERAD Group for Research in Decision Analysis.

  • Dakar, Senegal. May 14, 2019: The current landscape of marine fisheries and fisheries subsidies around the world. WTO Negotiations on Fisheries Subsidies: Implications for West Africa.

  • Denmark, Copenhagen. May 13, 2019: Sustainably harvested and productive ocean. Panel member, UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030, 1st Global Planning Meeting.

  • Vancouver, BC. April 25, 2019: So, resource governance priorities change over time. What are the key considerations nowadays? Utopia or Dystopia – What is the Future of Natural Resource Governance? RAW Talks, Canadian International Resources and Development Institute.

  • Durban, South Africa. April 16-17, 2019: MPAs as retirement and insurance policies. Marine Protected Areas, Ocean Risk and Climate Change, Wild Oceans and Republic of South Africa Environmental Affairs.

  • Vancouver, BC. March 15, 2019: Is there a pathway to a sustainable ocean’s economy? MP Joyce Murray’s series Breakfast Connections.

  • Perth, Australia, February 19, 2019: How to achieve a sustainable blue economy. Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Western Australia.

  • Accra, Ghana, January 18, 2019: Illicit trade in the marine resources of West Africa. University of Ghana.

  • San Diego, CA, January 11, 2019: Interdisciplinary collaborative ocean economics research with examples from the ‘ocean trenches.’ Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (CMBC), Scripps Institution of Oceanography 6th Annual Knowlton-Jackson Distinguished Speaker Lecture Event.‌


  • Toronto, ON, November 15, 2018: Indo-Pacific fisheries as a key to security and cooperation. The Indo-Pacific: Security Governance and Peace, Second in the Series of Annual Workshops on The Geotechnical Politics of Ocean Frontiers, York University.

  • Tokyo, Japan, November 8, 2018: Fisheries subsidies and the sustainable supply of seafood. Emerging Opportunities for Marine Sustainability in Japan. Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation, University of Tokyo.

  • Bali, Indonesia, October 30, 2018: The current landscape of global fisheries subsidies. A Closed-Door Breakfast on Fisheries Subsidies, Pew Charitable Trusts.

  • London, UK. October 17, 2018: Can subsidies work for fish and for people? Fish Night 5, International Institute for Environment and Development.

  • Halifax, NS, September 19-21, 2018: Is the Paris Agreement good for fish, fishers, seafood workers, and consumers? Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability: Co-designing Research and Solutions, National Research Council of Canada.

  • John’s, NL, September 18, 2018: Managing the seas for people and nature. Taking Stock Dialogue, Memorial University.

  • Kiel, Germany, September 3-7, 2018: Fish, ocean oxygen depletion and the food security of current and future generations. Ocean Deoxygenation: Drivers and Consequences, Past, Present, Future.

  • Washington, DC, July 26, 2018: Environmental issues in the South China Sea. Panel member, 8th Annual South China Sea Conference.

  • Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, June 28, 2018: MPAs are like retirement accounts: leakages undermine them. 5th International Marine Conservation Congress.

  • Gothenburg, Sweden, June 25-29, 2018: Marine plastic pollution in a circular perspective. Policy session, World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists.

  • Paris, France. June 21, 2018: Gaill F, Sumaila UR, Roberts C. 2018. High seas: why we must act now. The High Seas: What’s at Stake?

  • Kunshan, China, June 3, 2018: Case analysis on sustainable fishery. Blue Pioneer Program. Duke Kunshan University.

  • Kunshan, China, June 2, 2018: We need the ocean more than the ocean needs us. International Symposium on Blue Economy and Marine Conservation, Duke Kunshan University.

  • Vancouver, BC, May 25, 2018: Sumaila UR, Seitzinger S, Lopez-Correa C. How can Canada’s three oceans be part of the solution in addressing climate change challenges? Panel, Peter Wall Institute, University of British Columbia.

  • Newport, RI, May 18, 2018: Sumaila UR, Svensson L, Rolfe J. 2018. Setting the scene: how plastic pollution is affecting ocean health. Panel, Ocean Summit.

  • Southampton, Bermuda. May 8-10, 2018: Baughman McLeod K, Sumaila UR, Niehörster F, Way M. Natural capital and ecosystem services. Interactive working group at Ocean Risk Summit

  • Galicia, Spain, May 2, 2018: The role of climate change, fisheries subsidies and large scale high seas protection on the conservation and fair sharing of the global ocean. Martec 18. International Conference on Advances in Marine Technologies Applied to Discard Mitigation and Management, keynote address.

  • Singapore, April 27, 2018: Doomsday analysis - the economic, social, and food security outcomes of IUU fishing. APEC Experts Workshop on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing.‌

  • Vancouver, BC, April 12, 2018: Turn the high seas into a fish bank for the world? Nature Vancouver, Vancouver Natural History Society-Marine Biology Section.

  • Cambridge University, March 27-29, 2018: The conservation and fair sharing of ocean and fishery resources: Contributions from fisheries economics. Plenary speaker at the 2018 Student Conference on Conservation Science.‌

  • Vancouver, BC, March 16, 2018: Subsidies, climate change, high seas protection and the fair sharing of the global ocean. UBC Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries Seminar Series.

  • Warsaw, March 8-10, 2018: Effect of plastic in the ocean. European Young Leaders Summit.‌

  • New York, March 2, 2018: The oceans are too large to ignore. Ocean Luminaries event, American Museum of Natural History (Sold Out crowd).‌

  • Brussels, February 21, 2018: The Oceans are Our lives. Seminar presentation to Members of the European Parliament and the EU commissioner for the Environment and Fisheries.‌

  • Vancouver, B.C., February 10, 2018: Helping to sustain the global ocean. Vancouver Fishackathon keynote address.

  • Steveston, B. C., February 7, 2018: Ways to ensure a future for fisheries. B.C. Young Fishermen’s Gathering.


  • Buenos Aires, Brazil, December 11-13, 2017: Emerson W, Jara A, Nouvian C, Sumaila UR, Vickers B. Reforming perverse fisheries subsidies at MC11. Trade and Sustainable Development Symposium.

  • Stockholm, November 29, 2017: Fair sharing of the global ocean: climate change, subsidies and large-scale protection. Volvo Environmental Prize Seminar.‌

  • Guam, November 13-17, 2017: Impact of climate change with focus on Pacific Islands. Pacific Judicial Council Environmental Law and Science Conference.

  • Guam, November 13-17, 2017: What the science says on climate change: projected effects in the Pacific Islands. Pacific Judicial Council Environmental Law and Science Conference.

  • Victoria, BC, November 7, 2017: First Nations Fisheries Council (120 participants; 70 different First Nations groups).‌

  • Victoria, BC, November 7, 2017: Transforming Fisheries: Respecting Indigenous Governance and Management, “‘Lost’ First Nations fisheries: some economic insights”.

  • San Francisco, CA, October 26-30, 2017: World Conference of Science Journalists, “Can we save the oceans from ourselves?”

  • Puerto Varas, Chile, October 18-21, 2017: Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation, “Assessment of marine protected areas for restoring ocean health, improving fisheries management, and supporting a sustainable blue economy” (workshop participant).

  • Puerto Varas, Chile, October 18-21, 2017: Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation, “Incorporating the gender dimension in marine conservation” (roundtable participant).

  • Tallinn, Estonia, October 12-13, 2017: Beyond 2020: supporting Europe's coastal communities, “When are subsidies harmful?”

  • Malta, October 5-6, 2017: The Malta Declaration: assessing real progress towards effective ocean protection (Our Ocean side event), “Economic benefits from no-take marine reserves”.

  • Malta, October 5-6, 2017: Our Ocean, “Economics of MPAs”.

  • Tokyo, Japan, September 23, 2017: Fisheries Economics and Social Science, Fisheries Science for Future Generations, The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science, “Increase transparency in fisheries subsidies in support of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water”.

  • Geneva, Switzerland, September 18, 2017: World Trade Organization (WTO), “Designing effective and appropriate special and differential treatment”.

  • Cape Town, South Africa, August 29-31, 2017: World Bank Conference, “Climate change, fish, and people in Africa”.

  • Star Island, NH, July 23, 2017: The Oceans: Protecting an International Resource, 2017 International Affairs Conference, “Sustainability of the global ocean”.

  • Washington, DC, July 19, 2017: Center for Strategic and International Studies, “Current state of fisheries in the South China Sea”.

  • Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 6, 2017: MARE Conference, “Changing oceans and the economics of transboundary fisheries management of major fisheries of Canada and the United States.”

  • Rome, Italy, June 28, 2017: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, “Subsidies: small versus large-scale fisheries subsidies”.

  • Singapore, June 14, 2017: Sumaila UR, Tun K, Waterman S. Future of the oceans. Panel, Commonwealth Science Conference.

  • Ottawa, ON, June 8, 2017: Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans, “The Oceans Act’s Marine Protected Areas” (presentation as witness).

  • New York, NY, June 6, 2017: High Seas Alliance and Natural Resources Defense Council, Ocean Conference Preparatory Meeting Side Event, “Improve high seas fisheries management and increase economic, social and ecological benefits for our oceans”.

  • New York, NY, June 5, 2017: Sumaila UR, Karousakis K, Martini R. Towards a sustainable blue future: fiscal incentives to achieve SDG 14. Side event, The UN Ocean Conference.

  • New York, NY, June 5, 2017: Sumaila UR, Koroilavesau S, Morgan C, Tipping A. Building disciplines on fisheries subsidies: progress and prospects. Side event, The UN Ocean Conference.

  • College Park, MD, June 1, 2017: 3rd GEO Blue Planet Symposium, “The economic benefits and impacts of sustaining the global ocean”.

  • La Paz, Mexico, March 22-24, 2017: North American Association of Fisheries Economists Forum, “Fisheries subsidies: why should you care about them?”

  • La Paz, Mexico, March 22-24, 2017: North American Association of Fisheries Economists Forum, “Economic viability of small- compared to large-scale fisheries using Mexico as an example”.

  • La Paz, Mexico, March 22-24, 2017: North American Association of Fisheries Economists Forum, “Strategies and rationale for fishery subsidy reform”.

  • London, UK, March 17, 2017: 10th International Illegal Unreported and Unregulated Fishing Forum, “Fishing in troubled waters: geopolitics and resource security”.

  • Seattle, WA, March 2, 2017: Fisheries Access Workshop at University of Washington School of Marine and Environmental Affairs, “Effective high seas management is necessary for the sustainability of the global ocean”.

  • Sapporo, Japan, February 2, 2017: Sustainability and Ecology Seminar Talks, Institute for International Collaboration, Hokkaido University, “What is sustainability under the global warming?”

  • Victoria, BC, January 24-25, 2017: BC Young Fishermen’s Gathering, “Ways to ensure future for fisheries”.


  • San Francisco, CA, December 12-16, 2016: Teh L, Bond N, KC KB, Fraser EDG, Seng R, Sumaila UR. The economic impact of adaptive responses to future scenarios of socio-economic and ecological change in the Tonle Sap ecosystem, Cambodia. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting.

  • Cancun, Mexico, December 1-2, 2016: 3rd Science for Biodiversity Forum. Mainstreaming biodiversity for well-being: contributions from science, “Biodiversity, resilience and sustainability”.

  • Merida, Mexico, November 21-24, 2016: Fisheries and Aquaculture Bioeconomics Symposium, “A simple application of bioeconomics to fisheries subsidies”.

  • Piura, Peru, September 16-18, 2016: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Climate Symposium, Smart Climate Information and Accountable Action: Achieving Sustainable Food Security in a Changing World, “Climate change impacts on the economics and management of world fisheries”.

  • Washington, DC, September 15-16, 2016: Our Ocean Conference hosted by Secretary John Kerry, with presentation by President Barack Obama. I was the scene-setter for the Sustainable Fisheries Panel.‌

  • Washington, DC, September 14, 2016: Environment and Oceanic Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile and the National Geographic Society. Is the Paris Agreement Good News for the Ocean? “How is climate change likely to impact the systems that sustain fisheries?”

  • Vancouver, BC., July 26, 2016: Sea Around Us workshop funded through the MAVA Foundation. Lecture to West African researchers.

  • Aberdeen, Scotland, July 11-15, 2016: Harper S, Sumaila UR. Toward a global picture of the economic contributions by women in fisheries. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade.

  • Aberdeen, Scotland, July 11-15, 2016: Harmful subsidies are made for inequality and unsustainability. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade; Aberdeen, Scotland.

  • Vancouver, BC, July 7, 2016: Vancouver Aquarium Public Lecture, “The sustainability of the global ocean”.

  • Vancouver, BC, April 17, 2016: Alava JJ, Cheung WWL, Day A, Sumaila UR, Ross PS. Ocean pollution indicators for the Strait of Georgia. Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference.

  • Rome, March, 9, 2016: Invited speaker at The 10X20 Initiative Conference on MPAs on “Scientific Consensus on MPA Financing”. Guest of the Foreign Minister of Italy.‌

  • Rome, Italy, March 7-9, 2016: 10X20 Initiative Conference on MPAs, “Scientific consensus on MPA financing; and MPA financing: why invest in MPAs?”

  • Rome, March, 7, 2016: Invited speaker at The 10X20 Initiative Conference on MPAs on “MPA Financing: Why invest in MPAs”. Guest of the Foreign Minister of Italy.‌

  • Hawaii, February 8, 2016: Invited talk at the Human Dimensions of LSMPAs Think Tank, Honolulu, on the “Economics of Large Scale MPAs”.

  • Vancouver, BC, 2016: Beaufort Sea Ocean Canada Conference, “. Linking climate change effects on marine ecosystems to socio-economic impacts in the Canadian Arctic: AMAP-OceanCanada Case Study”.


  • Nairobi, December, 16, 2015: Trade and Development Symposium at the WTO Ministerial Meeting, on “E15 policy options on oceans and fisheries”.‌

  • Victoria, B.C., November 26, 2015: Invited speaker at the 2015 Royal Society of Canada Symposium: “Social license and marine biodiversity”.‌

  • Washington D.C., November 17, 2015: “Congressional Briefing on the fisheries subsidies provisions in Environment Chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.‌

  • Vancouver, BC, November 16, 2015: Liu Institute Seminar on Large-scale interdisciplinary collaborative research: Examples from the ‘ocean trenches’

  • Oxford, Somerville College, Nov. 12, 2015: High Sea Symposium on the “The economics of high seas fisheries: what do we know and what do we need to know?”

  • Hong Kong, November, 4, 2015: Credit Suisse Seminar on “Stop diminishing fish stocks to improve fortunes from Asia’s waters”.

  • Hong Kong, November 3, 2015: Press Conference on “Boom or Bust: The Future of Fish in the South China Sea”.

  • Hong Kong, November, 3, 2015: Royal Geographical Society of Hong Kong Seminar on “Diminishing fish stocks diminishing fortunes from the SCS”.‌

  • San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 20, 2015: Global Ocean Legacy meeting on “Conservation economics: Close the high seas to boast global catch, equality”.

  • San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 16, 2015: Pew Marine Fellows meeting on “Connecting ocean science and policy @ the regional level”.

  • Valparaiso, Chile, October 6, 2015: Invited talk to the Board of Directors of Oceana (a leading global NGO): “Subsidies, sustainability and inequality among fishers”.‌

  • Valparaiso, Chile, October 5, 2015: Secretary John Kerry’s Our Oceans Conference on the “Benefits of managing ocean living resources sustainably”.‌

  • Geneva, Sep 29, 2015: UNCTAD and ComSec AHEM Meeting on Trade in Sustainable Fisheries, on “Subsidies weaken the sustainability of global fisheries while increasing inequality among fishers”.‌

  • Cape Town, August 25 2015: PIRATA-PREFACE-CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Variability Conference, “Socioeconomic Benefits of LME valuation in context of Climate Change”.

  • Natal, Brazil, August 13, 2015: Seminar at UFRN, Natal, Brazil, “Why Value the Socioeconomic Benefits of Large Marine Ecosystem?”

  • Paris, France, July 7-10, 2015: Cheung WWL, Froelicher T, Jones M, Lam V, Reygondeau G, Sarmiento J, Stock C, Sumaila UR. Improving climate-resilience in fisheries through rebuilding fish stocks in an uncertain future. Our Common Future Under Climate Change. International Scientific Conference (poster presentation)

  • Tokyo, June 2015: at the UNESCO-IPBES Scenarios Workshop,“Global Biodiversity Outlook OceanCanada Partnership Marine Scenario Analysis”.

  • Vancouver, April, 27, 2015: “Spaceship Earth – Fellow travelers steer towards living sustainably with the ocean”.

  • Vancouver, April, 27, 2015: Ocean Wise 10th Anniversary: from fish to foodies, on “Sustaining Ocean Fisheries: a Resource Economics Perspective”.

  • Paris, April 14, 2015: Workshop on Marine Resources that UNEP’s International Resource Panel “Marine resources: an environmental and resource economics perspective”.

  • San Jose, USA, March 17, 2015: “The quest for ocean sustainability: A new role for the high seas?” AAAS Annual Meeting.‌

  • Vancouver, February 27, 2015: “Conservation economics: Close the high seas to boast global catch, equality”. Fisheries Centre Research Seminar.

  • Vancouver, February 26, 2015: “Challenging the ‘right to fish’: closing the high seas to fishing”. Presentation to VSB Global Sustainability Class, Prince of Wales Mini Secondary.

  • Vancouver, February 23, 2015: “A Story about Community Based Ocean Research”. UBC CBR Telling Stories Series, MOA.

  • San Jose, CA, February 12-16, 2015. Can our ocean commons be sustainably managed? Innovative strategies for the high seas. 2015 AAAS Annual Meeting.

  • Hokkaido, January 14, 2015: “Internationalization at the University of British Columbia”. Hokkaido University – Internationalization Symposium.


  • Washington, D.C., December 15, 2014: “Winners and losers in a world where the high seas is closed to fishing”. Pew Charitable Trusts Headquarters.

  • Geneva, Nov., 12-13, 2014: “Oceans, Fisheries and the Trade System: Objectives”. 2nd Meeting of the E15 Expert Group on Oceans, Fisheries and the Trade System.

  • Sausalito, California, November 8, 2014: “Large-scale bioeconomics for marine ecosystem conservation and human well-being”. Finishing Fellow Talk.

  • Swakopmund, Oct. 8-10, 2014. “Socioeconomic Benefits of LME Valuation: Why value LME goods and services?” The 3rd Large Marine Ecosystem Conference.

  • Campinas, September 1 – 4, 2014: “Freshwater angling and the economy of British Columbia, Canada”. 7th World Recreational Fishing Conference.

  • Natal, Brazil, July 31, 2014: “The global ocean: Its role and sustainability”. Bioforum Seminar, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.

  • Beijing, May 12 – 15, 2014: China, fish & food security: Critical issues and challenges. At a Fish and Food Security Symposium organized by Stanford University.

  • Quito, April 9 – 12, 2014: “Fisheries subsidies as source of finance for meeting the Aichi Targets”. UN Meeting on the Aichi Targets.

  • Washington, D.C., January 20, 2014: Marine commercial fisheries versus marine tourism economic benefits. Presentation at the Head Office of the Pew Charitable Trusts on Martin Luther King Day.

  • Addis Ababa, September 15, 2014: “The economic and social rationale for the establishment of a Pan African Blue Ocean Institute”. AU-GOC-AfDB Meeting, African Union Headquarters.‌

  • Valparaiso, July 3, 2014: “How do we cope with the social and economic pressure of the fishing crisis?” International seminar: Fisheries crisis in Chile: the challenge of turning the tide.‌

  • Geneva, April 28-29, 2014: “Fishing for the future: trends and issues in global fisheries trade”. Presentation to the E15 Expert Group on Oceans, Fisheries and the Trade System.‌

  • Kuwait, December 17-18, 2014: “Global Food Security and Climate Change from a Socio-Economic Perspective”. Food Security and Climate Change Workshop.‌

  • Kochi, December 5, 2014: “Challenges in property rights & marine fisheries management: An economist's perspective”.‌

  • Vancouver, March 29, 2014: “The sustainability of the global ocean”. Vancouver Institute Public Lecture.‌

  • New York, February 18, 2014: “Why Pacific Small Island States should care about the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction”. A briefing to a group of Ambassadors of Pacific Island States Missions at the United Nations.‌


  • Vancouver, December 5-6, 2013: Avoid ‘Bad’ Economics to Ensure Sustainable Oceans. Talk at the Canadian Healthy Oceans Network Dialogue Meeting.

  • New York, November 20, 2013: “Why Caribbean countries should care about high seas biodiversity?” Caribbean Ambassadors’ Briefing, United Nations.‌

  • New York, November 18, 2013: “Why African countries should care about high seas biodiversity?” African Union Ambassadors’ Briefing, United Nations.‌

  • Barcelona, November 15, 2013: The Market for Pelagic Fish in Nigeria. Presentation to the Pelagic Fish Forum, [By Video Conference].

  • Sapporo, November 15, 2013: New challenges to ocean governance in the face of climate change. Talk given at the Sustainable Society Symposium.

  • Sapporo, Japan, October 30, 2013: Internationalization at the University of British Columbia. Presentation at the Hokkaido University – Finnish Universities Joint Symposium.

  • Toronto, October 28, 2013: Can it possibly make sense to close off the high seas to fishing? Presentation at the GreenPeace International GPI Workshop on Marine Reserves Meeting.

  • Geneva, October 21, 2013: “A Re-estimation of Global Fisheries Subsidies”. Talk at the World Trade Organization.‌

  • Brussels, October 17, 2013: “Global Fisheries Subsidies”. Presentation at the European Parliament, Committee on Fisheries.‌

  • Dublin, October 17-21, 2013: Net Benefits to Society from Fisheries. Presentation at the Pew Fellows Annual Meeting.

  • Seattle, September 30, 2013: Human Dimension Indicators of Social-Ecological System. Presentation at Valuing killer whales, Chinook salmon and the Ecosystem Services Workshop.

  • Vienna, September, 17-18, 2013: Climate change & ocean acidification impacts on the socio-economics of fisheries. Talk at IAEA Scientific Forum.

  • Little Rock, Arkansas, August 8-12, 2013: Climate change impacts on the economics of world fisheries. Presentation at the 143rd AFS Annual Conference.

  • New York, July 5-6, 2013: The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) in the Global Ocean. Presentation at the 2nd Global Ocean Commission Meeting.

  • London, June 28, 2013: Economics (cost) of IUU Fishing. Presentation at the Pew Illegal Fishing Workshop.

  • New York, June 19, 2013: Potential Economic and Social Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Arctic Fisheries. Presentation at the UN 2100 Solvency Side Event.

  • Honolulu, June 13-15, 2013: What Do We Mean by Human Dimension Indicators? Talk at the PICES Workshop on human dimension to ecosystem management.

  • Montreal, May 27-29, 2013: Potential Economic and Food Security Implications of Warming Oceans. Presentation at the Climate Change Technology Conference organized by Canadian engineers.

  • Lisbon, Portugal, June 3-5, 2013: Managing the world’s ocean: Focus on the high seas. Presentation at the 3rd E.U. - U.S. Conference.

  • Stanford, May 10-12, 2013: Bad economics and the Management of Global Fisheries in a Changing Environment. Panel speaker at the Stanford Marine Conservation Symposium Panel.

  • Bergen, May 6-8, 2013: “Potential Economic and Social Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Arctic Fisheries”. Arctic Ocean Acidification Conference, May 6-8.

  • Oxford, April 15-16, 2013: “Economics of High Seas Fisheries”. Global Ocean Commission Meeting on High Seas Marine Reserve.

  • Cape Town, March 22, 2013: “Global ocean economics”. Presentation to members of the Global Ocean Commission (‌


  • Ottawa, November 27, 2012: “The Value and Opportunities of Healthy Oceans” at the “Oceans on the Hill” event hosted by Canada’s All Party Ocean Caucus and WWF-Canada.‌

  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 23-25, 2012: Harnessing Fishery Resources: Swimming the Tide to Africa’s Development”. African Development Forum VIII, theme: “Governing & Harnessing Natural Resources for Growth and Development.” [audience was over 1000 people].‌

  • Tanzania, July 19, 2012: Current and potential fish asset values worldwide. Session entitled “Measurement and Indicators for Improved Understanding and Management Part 1”. International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade (IIFET).

  • Tanzania, July 17, 2012: Climate change effects on the Economics and Management of world fisheries. Session entitled “Frontiers in Economic Modeling Part 1. International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade.

  • Washington, D.C., July 12, 2012: A hearing of the US congressional subcommittee on Investigations, Oversight and Regulation entitled “Sinking the Marine Industry: How regulations are affecting today’s maritime businesses”.‌

  • Rio de Janeiro, June 16-19, 2012: Panellist at Rio+20 Sustainable Development Dialogues Oceans panel session. The audience was about 2000 people, including Kings, Queens, Nobel Prize winners and high-level government officials.‌

  • Edinburgh, May 11, 2012: Panellist at the Prince’s Charities’ International Sustainability Unit Workshop, “The transition to sustainable fisheries: Presenting the case for change,” 6th World Fisheries Congress.

  • Edinburgh, May 10, 2012: Illegal Fishing – Examining Impacts and Solutions. 6th World Fisheries Congress.

  • New York, April 30, 2012: A Rio+20 second round side event entitled “From harmful subsidies to safe subsidies,” United Nations.

  • Nairobi, April 4-5, 2012: “The management of fish stocks and the importance of fish for food security in Africa”. United Nations human rights summit on the Right to Food.‌

  • Singapore, February 22-24, 2012: Debate: "Feeding the world - are oceans the solution?". Session entitled "Biodiversity: threats and opportunities". World Oceans Summit.‌

  • Vancouver, Canada, February 16-20, 2012: “Ecological and financial deficits: A double whammy for future generations”. Session entitled “Whole-Ocean Economics: Global Fisheries Analysis Potential for Policy Action”. AAAS Annual Meeting.

  • London, February 3, 2012: Address at the Prince’s Charities International Sustainability Unit (ISU) Marine Programme Launch.‌


  • Durban, December 3, 2011: “Climate change impacts on the biophysics and economics of world fisheries”. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 17th Conference of the Parties (COP 17).‌

  • New York, June 20-24, 2011: Panellist to the twelfth meeting of the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea, United Nations.‌

  • New York, June 8, 2011: Panellist to discussion entitled “Our oceans: greening our future” on World Oceans Day at the United Nations. UN Headquarters.‌

  • San Diego, California, April 6, 2011: “Whose fish are you catching – yours or the future generations’?” Ecology Seminar, SCRIPPS Institution of Oceanography.

  • Washington, D.C., February 18, 2011: “Current contribution of global fisheries to human welfare”. Session entitled “Climate Change: Altering the Physics, Ecology, and Socioeconomics of Fisheries”. AAAS Annual Meeting.

  • Vancouver, February 4, 2011: A meeting of DFO senior management convened and attended by the Deputy Minister of Fisheries, Canada. Gave a talk on strategies to mitigate ecological, social & equity concerns arising from catch share management.‌

  • Copenhagen, Denmark, January 31 - February 1, 2011: "Potential impacts of ocean acidification on marine fisheries". AMAP Workshop.

  • Nairobi, January 18-19, 2011: "Overview of the Cost Benefit Analysis - Challenges". Governance and CBA of WIO Workshop.


  • Casablanca, Nov., 27-28, 2010: "Economic MIS-incentives and the MIS-management of Bluefin Tuna in the Mediterranean Sea". Mena Region Environmental Economics Workshop.

  • Sapporo, November 9, 2010: "Overview of sustainability science (with emphasis on fish and fisheries)". Sustainable Science Conference.

  • Anaheim, October 1, 2010: "Sustainability, subsidies, & seafood security". SACNAS Meeting.

  • Bangkok, October 17-22, 2010:"Fisheries subsidies & potential fish catch loss in SIDS Exclusive Economic Zones". World Small-Scale Fisheries Conference.

  • Brussels, September 29, 2010: Dinner meeting with the chair of the reform committee of and Members of the European Parliament, on the results of work by my group on global fisheries economics.‌

  • Barcelona, September 25-29, 2010: "Incentives, conservation and economic benefits from fisheries". Pew Fellows Meeting.

  • Barcelona, September 25-29, 2010."Bioeconomics as a tool for spatial management". Pew Fellows’ Meeting.

  • Washington, D.C., September 13, 2010: "Economic consequences of global overfishing". National Geographic Ocean Restoration launching.

  • Taipei, August 3-5, 2010: "Western Central Pacific tuna sequential games". IFF5 Conference.

  • Montpellier, July 13-16, 2010: "Global Ocean Economics Project: past, present and future?" International Institute for Fisheries Economics and Trade Biennial Meeting.

  • London, June 6-7, 2010: Group of forty G20 countries’ Members of Parliament, talk on the occasion of World Ocean Day, on the potential sustainability impacts of fisheries subsidies, British House of Lords.‌

  • Nairobi, March 29, 2010: Keynote address on the benefits of ecosystem-based fisheries management at the Conference of the Parties Meeting, the Western Indian Ocean Stocktaking Session, UNEP Headquarters.‌

  • London, March 17-18, 2010: Workshop convened and attended by Prince Charles on how to transition fisheries to a more resilient and sustainable states, St James Palace.‌

  • San Francisco, February 2-4, 2010: “Fisheries Management in Namibia with emphasis on Fishing Rights”. Coastal Pelagic Species Fishery Catch Shares Workshop.


  • Geneva, November 17-18, 2009: The United Nations, gave a talk as part of a review of the forthcoming UN Green Economy Report, on the potential economic advantage of 'greening' global fisheries.‌


  • Nouakchott, November 16, 2008: One hour meeting with the Minister of Fisheries, Mauritania as a pre-view of a talk I gave at a workshop on the impacts of bottom trawling and hydraulic dredging on the potential net discounted fisheries benefits to the country.‌

  • Monaco, March 20-21, 2008: Chaired and provided comments at a workshop sponsored by the Prince Albert II Foundation in Monaco entitled “Prospects for the sustainable management of fishery resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction”. The Prince of Monaco attended the closing session of the meeting.‌

  • Ottawa, February 28, 2008: The Standing Committee on Fisheries, Canadian Parliament, on the potential effects of decisions taken by the WTO on Canadian fisheries.‌


  • New York, October 3, 2007: G77 Countries of the United Nations Briefing on the current state of global fisheries: Implications for developing countries.‌

  • Geneva, May, 2007: Country representatives at the WTO, talk on fisheries subsidies, the scope, magnitude and sustainability on its effect on the sustainability of fish resources.‌


  • Washington D.C., June 15, 2006: Congressional (Hill) Briefing on the economics of rebuilding U.S. overfished stocks.‌


  • Washington D.C., March 31, 2005: Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President of the USA, the White House, talk on the economics of marine ecosystem restoration.

Last updated

2023 - U. Rashid Sumaila