Research or equivalent grants

  • Solving Sustainability Challenges at the Food-Climate-Biodiversity Nexus

  • Project: The impact of Distant Water Fishing Fleets

  • OxyNet: A network to examine ocean deoxygenation trends and impacts) EXEBUS Enhancing Production in Coho: Culture, Community, Catch (EPIC4)

  • Canadian Ocean Acidification Research Network (COARnet)

  • OceanCanada

  • OceanAsia Potential economic impact of an oil spill in the Burrard Inlet Ecosystem Services and Sea Level Rise Maintaining productivity and incomes in Tonlé Sap fishery (Cambodia) in the face of climate change

  • International Research Roundtable Spaceship Earth – Meeting challenges for living on the Blue Planet under siege

  • Economics of High Sea Fisheries

  • Too big to ignore: A global study of small scale fisheries

  • GBO4 scenario study on the Strategic Plan and The Aichi Biodiversity Targets

  • Strengthening the adaptive capacity of institutions in fisheries

  • Ecological and Economic Impacts of Ocean Acidification Due to Climate Change

  • Arctic Ocean Acidification

  • Forage Fish species in the South Atlantic Region

  • Economic valuation of ocean-based activities for BC’s North Coast

  • Modeling the socio-economic impacts of two large reclamations on the recovery of the marine ecosystem and fisheries in Hong Kong

  • Investigation of natural processes with emphasis on ocean responses to fishing, climate change, and other human impacts

  • Economics of shark watching

  • Western and Central Pacific Ocean tuna subsidies and economic values

  • Ocean Health Index Global fisheries economics SSHRC

  • Re-application award Funding Small Scale Fisheries and Poverty Alleviation in Ghana - Support for PhD Candidate Berchie Asiedu Green Economy Report on Fisheries

  • Global Ocean Economics Project

  • Climate change, Oceanographic variability and the artisanal fisheries of the SW Atlantic: A human dimensions approach

  • Large scale bioeconomics

  • Fisheries Economics

  • Coastal Connections: Interactive governance model for sustainable coastal development

  • Coral reef resource valuation

  • Easing the pain of Fishers during Fisheries Adjustments

  • Economics of Coral triangle marine resource use

  • Estimating the Cost to Fisheries of Marine Mammal Critical Habitat Designations

  • Valuation of Critical Habitat

  • Economic study of Raja Ampat ecosystem in Indonesia

  • Valuation of marine Ecosystems Services

  • Abalone project

  • Benguela Current Commission Study Ecological and economic analysis of sablefish farming

  • Optimal landing strategies for hake in Namibia and South Africa

  • Creating a Positive Future for Fisheries Worldwide

  • Fish trade and sustainability (Graduate student grants) Economics of aquaculture (Graduate student grant) Namibian Fisheries

  • Economics of IUU Fishing US Marine Ecosystem Valuation Aquaculture (Graduate student grant)

  • Valuation of marine ecosystems Valuation of marine ecosystems Economics of Marine Protected Areas

  • Markets and Global Fisheries

  • Bioeconomic Modeling of Namibian hake fisheries

  • Logical Decision Analysis Modeling International Conference on the Economics of Marine Protected Areas Game Theoretic Models of Fishing

  • Integrating Environmental Concerns into Current Project Appraisal Practices

Last updated

2023 - U. Rashid Sumaila